Labels:crt screen | reckoner OCR: File Edit Go Stacks Launch Daily Thur heps June 989 DAY [SL3Od] AM PH :00 1:00 Meeting Agenda Items CLIENTS 30 :30 New Product Introductions MONTH :00 :00 Product Status 30 :30 New Employees :00 Breakfast with Executive Staff :00 Future Quarterly Business Earnings Plans UENDORS 30 :30 :00 Phone Meeting with Eastern Sales :00 New Employees :30 :30 POUT IN :00 Prepare for Company Meeting :00 Mary Bill Johnson .ewis (Western (Account ant Sales Rep) 1:30 :30 Nancy King (Software Engineer :00 :00 :30 :30 New Product Introductions :00 Lunch with Bill Johnson :00 New Personal Information Manager New :30 Spre adsheei Package Monthly Pam' Birthday Evening Remmder Thursday PROJECTS Quar Futur 7OU1 Persona Pack